8 Lovemaking Essentials You Never Want to Be Without

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Be prepared, because you never know when the mood will be just right romance, intimacy, or sexIn the last post, I talked about the importance of continuously courting your spouse through keeping up personal presentation and engaging in meaningful activities. As nice as sweeping advice is, sometimes all we’re really looking for is some quick and easy solutions. So here they are: six things you should always keep in your pockets, purse, or glove box to make sure you’re always ready for lovemaking wherever you are.

  1. Chap stick – perhaps the most essential of all lovemaking tools. Especially if you get a minty variety that freshens breath as well.
  2. Breath spray – gum, mints, or dissolvable strips aren’t as effective, because when you need fresh breath, you need it fast! Sadly, for whatever reason, I’ve found that it’s not nearly as easy to find Binaca in stores as it used to be, though I can’t imagine why, as it’s one of the most useful products ever invented (not to mention the superior bang it provides for your buck).
  3. Deodorant – whether it’s an unexpected walk through the park on a hot, summer day or cuddling up to watch a movie after a sweaty athletic event, you never want body order to stand between you and your true love.
  4. A 20 – 50 Dollar Bill – putting aside an “emergency date fund” may be you saving grace during a time when you just need to grab some dinner or ice creams or attend a concert or even get away to a cheap motel. It’s time to invest in some love insurance.
  5. Lubrication, contraceptives, small toys, a hand towel, etc. – I’ve often been surprised at how frequently I’ve been away from home with my wife and found an unexpected setting just right for sex, but because we lacked the niceties that make sex comfortable, it didn’t happen. Be prepared!
  6. Of course, a mobile device with a MarriedGames.org account – there’s no more reliable or faster solution for getting the ideas, games, tools, and ambiance you need for setting the mood and freshening things up when you need it most.
  7. A notepad – this one may seem a bit surprising, but how often do you find yourself with a great idea and wished you had a means of recording it? Notepads can be lifesavers during boring concerts or formal affairs, allowing you and your spouse to write intimate conversations to each other, play games, our outline a plan of attack for the perfect lovemaking session. Don’t underestimate the power of your own imagination coupled with a pen and paper.
  8. Dice – if all else fails, you can always break predictable patterns and thus surprise your brains and elicit higher dopamine levels through the simple power of randomness. Sex dice are nice, though any standard six-sided die can be used to determine positions and activities. The rules are yours to write.

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