The New and Improved Dashboard

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The new and improved dashboard with sex life reportsThe new dashboard comes with some great features to help you take control of your love life and get the intelligence you need to take things to the next level. Features include:

  1. A reminder of how long it’s been since you last had sex.
  2. An easy button for logging days on which you make love. Following sex, or before you go to sleep, make a simple habit of clicking the button so that you’ll be able to keep records and run reports.
  3. A report of the days on which you had sex over the last month. You can mark or unmark any day by clicking on it.
  4. Your average sex rate in days with a corresponding grade. The goal is for every three days. (Future releases will allow for setting your own goals.)
  5. Both you and your spouse’s love bucks and the services you owe each other. A completed service can be removed with one click.
  6. The sexual favor time one spouse may owe another with an encouragement to pay them back.
  7. A new and improved interface for navigating to the apps
  8. Plus many more features to come!

We hope these new features will help improve your love life and strengthen your relationship. Please don’t hesitate to give us any feedback or ideas you may have for upcoming features and improvements.

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